Description: This shapefile is a point layer of all recorded wetland determination sample plots (SP or data plots) established within the Creswell study area. The data plot shapefile represents established wetland determination sample plots (data plots) in areas that had wetland characteristics based on guidelines outlined in the US Army Corps of Engineers 1987 Manual and the Western Mountains, Valleys and Coast Regional Supplement to the manual. All field data were collected and recorded using Trimble Yuma, Global Positioning System/Geographic Information System (GPS/GIS) data recorders. Aerial imagery and shapefiles of the study area were loaded onto the units for reference in the field. The GPS/GIS units enabled field crews to digitize wetland boundaries in ArcPad; edit existing wetland boundaries as necessary; map probable wetlands, artificial wetlands and locations of sample plots, and map streams. After the field work, data were uploaded onto a desktop computer for viewing and final editing. Data are intended for planning purposes only.
Service Item Id: dcc2bda1a13143599548d8865f2c1b42
Copyright Text: ESA,
522 SW Fifth Ave Suite 820, Portland, OR 97204.
Phone: 503-226-8018.
Created by:
Alison Sigler,
Last updated 10/7/11.
Description: Riparian reach endpoints for the Creswell study area were recorded as a point layer. Riparianreaches were inventoried and assessed in the field and office according to the Urban RiparianInventory and Assessment Guide (Division of State Lands (as cited), 1998). Reaches wereinitially mapped in the office using aerial imagery and were delineated based on the dominantland use along each qualifying water resource. A qualifying resource must be perennial and fishbearing. A fish bearing stream is defined as one that provides habitat for either resident oranadromous fish such as salmon and steelhead. Reaches on each side of a stream (defined asthe left side and right side when facing downstream) were assigned a unique code. The start andend points of the riparian reaches illustrate the beginning and/or ending of dominant land usechanges. The width of the riparian corridor was determined by the potential tree height (PTH) ofthe dominant tree species growing in the reach.All field data were collected and recorded using Trimble Yuma, Global PositioningSystem/Geographic Information System (GPS/GIS) data recorders. Aerial imagery and shapefilesof the study area were loaded onto the units for reference in the field. The GPS/GIS unitsenabled field crews to digitize wetland boundaries in ArcPad; edit existing wetland boundaries asnecessary; map probable wetlands, artificial wetlands and locations of sample plots, and mapstreams. After the field work, data were uploaded onto a desktop computer for viewing and finalediting. Data are intended for planning purposes only.
Service Item Id: dcc2bda1a13143599548d8865f2c1b42
Copyright Text: ESA, 522 SW Fifth Ave Suite 820, Portland, OR 97204. Phone: 503-226-8018. Created by: Alison
Sigler, ESA, Last updated 10/7/2011.
Description: This point layer shapefile of probable wetlands (PW) that are 1/10 acre or less within the Creswell study area. In some cases, a PW represents a small portion of a larger wetland that is located outside of the study area. Further investigations are needed to identify more detailed information about each PW. All field data were collected and recorded using Trimble Yuma, Global Positioning System/Geographic Information System (GPS/GIS) data recorders. Aerial imagery and shapefiles of the study area were loaded onto the units for reference in the field. The GPS/GIS units enabled field crews to digitize wetland boundaries in ArcPad; edit existing wetland boundaries as necessary; map probable wetlands, artificial wetlands and locations of sample plots, and map streams. After the field work, data were uploaded onto a desktop computer for viewing and final editing. Data are intended for planning purposes only.
Service Item Id: dcc2bda1a13143599548d8865f2c1b42
Copyright Text: ESA,
522 SW Fifth Ave Suite 820, Portland, OR 97204.
Phone: 503-226-8018.
Created by:
Alison Sigler,
Last updated 10/7/2011.
Description: This shapefile consists of other waters polygons within the Creswell study area that are man-made water features such as industrial ponds, golf course ponds and stormwater detention facilities. Other waters were identified and mapped based on aerial imagery and field verification where possible. All field data were collected and recorded using Trimble Yuma, Global Positioning System/Geographic Information System (GPS/GIS) data recorders. Aerial imagery and shapefiles of the study area were loaded onto the units for reference in the field. The GPS/GIS units enabled field crews to digitize wetland boundaries in ArcPad; edit existing wetland boundaries as necessary; map probable wetlands, other waters and locations of sample plots, and map streams. After the field work, data were uploaded onto a desktop computer for viewing and final editing. Data are intended for planning purposes only.
Service Item Id: dcc2bda1a13143599548d8865f2c1b42
Copyright Text: ESA,
522 SW Fifth Ave Suite 820, Portland, OR 97204.
Phone: 503-226-8018.
Created by:
Alison Sigler,
Last updated 10/7/2011.
Description: Wetland polygons includes all wetlands greater than 1/10 acre within Creswell study area.Wetlands were coded sequentially with unique numbers, generally from north to south in the study area. Newly coded wetlands that extended beyond the study area boundary were digitized to reflect only the area within the study limits. Wetlands on file with DSL are identified with their existing delineation/determination number such as WD 2008-0485. In many cases, multiple wetlands were delineated at one time and have the same DSL file number. To create unique codes for each wetland for the OFWAM assessment, the delineation number was used in combination with a unique number such as WD2008-0485-1, -2. Each DSL wetland delineation within the study area was field verified and edited if the current size was different from the recorded size. Previously delineated or determined DSL wetland polygons extending beyond the study area with no size change were left as is. If a DSL wetland no longer existed it was deleted from the wetland polygon layer.If a wetland was bisected by a road or other feature but had a hydrologic connection with other sections of wetland; the wetland numeric code was given a letter, such as 8a, 8b to indicate that both polygons were part of the same assessment unit for OFWAM. If a wetland contained more than one Cowardin class of 0.25 acre or more, another polygon was drawn to represent this on a map. Cowardin classes are differentiated by shading type.All field data were collected and recorded using Trimble Yuma, Global Positioning System/Geographic Information System(GPS/GIS) data recorders. Aerial imagery and shapefiles of the study area were loaded onto the units for reference in the field. The GPS/GIS units enabled field crews to digitize wetland boundaries in ArcPad; edit existing wetland boundaries as necessary; map probable wetlands, artificial wetlands and locations of sample plots, and map streams. After the field work, data were uploaded onto a desktop computer for viewing and final editing. Data are intended for planning purposes only.
Service Item Id: dcc2bda1a13143599548d8865f2c1b42
Copyright Text: ESA,
522 SW Fifth Ave Suite 820, Portland, OR 97204.
Phone: 503-226-8018.
Created by:
Alison Sigler,
Last updated 09/18/2011.
Description: This layer includes streams within the Creswell study area that were not previously mapped and any modifications of the existing streams provided by LCOG.All field data were collected and recorded using Trimble Yuma, Global Positioning System/Geographic Information System (GPS/GIS) data recorders. Aerial imagery and shapefiles of the study area were loaded onto the units for reference in the field. The GPS/GIS units enabled field crews to digitize wetland boundaries in ArcPad; edit existing wetland boundaries as necessary; map probable wetlands, artificial wetlands and locations of sample plots, and map streams. After the field work, data were uploaded onto a desktop computer for viewing and final editing. Data are intended for planning purposes only.
Service Item Id: dcc2bda1a13143599548d8865f2c1b42
Copyright Text: ESA.
522 SW Fifth Ave Suite 820, Portland, OR 97204.
Phone: 503-226-8018.
Created by:
Alison Sigler,
Last updated 09/08/10.
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Spatial Reference: PROJCS["NAD_1983_HARN_StatePlane_Oregon_South_FIPS_3602",GEOGCS["GCS_North_American_1983_HARN",DATUM["D_North_American_1983_HARN",SPHEROID["GRS_1980",6378137.0,298.257222101]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Lambert_Conformal_Conic"],PARAMETER["False_Easting",4921259.842519685],PARAMETER["False_Northing",0.0],PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",-120.5],PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_1",42.33333333333334],PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_2",44.0],PARAMETER["Latitude_Of_Origin",41.66666666666666],UNIT["Foot",0.3048]]