Blue River Drive Overlay (13)
Official Zoning Map (1)
RCP Site Review (2)
RCP Zoning (3)
| F1 - Non-Impacted Forest |
| F2 - Impacted Forest |
| E25 - Exclusive Farm Use (25 acre minimum) |
| E30 - Exclusive Farm Use (30 acre minimum) |
| E40 - Exclusive Farm Use (40 acre minimum) |
| E60 - Exclusive Farm Use (60 acre minimum) |
| ML - Marginal Lands |
| RC - Rural Commercial |
| RI - Rural Industrial |
| LI - Light Industrial |
| GI - General Industrial |
| RPF - Rural Public Facility |
| RR1 - Rural Residential (1 acre minimum) |
| RR2 - Rural Residential (2 acre minimum) |
| RR2-NRES - Non Resource (2 acre minimum) |
| RR5 - Rural Residential (5 acre minimum) |
| RR5-NRES - Non Resource (5 acre minimum) |
| RR10 - Rural Residential (10 acre minimum) |
| RR10-NRES - Non Resource (10 acre minimum) |
| PR - Park and Recreation |
| RPR - Rural Park and Recreation |
| AO - Airport Operations |
| CLWP - Clear Lake Watershed Protection Area |
| NR - Natural Resource |
| NE - Natural Estuary |
| DR - Destination Resort |
| QM - Quarry and Mining Operations |
| SG - Sand, Gravel and Rock Products |
| SG/CP - Sand, Gravel and Rock Products Combining Processing |
| CFU - Community Flex Use |
| CR - Community Residential |
| C-R - Rural Commercial |
| C2 - Neighborhood Commercial |
| C3 - Commercial |
| M2 - Light Industrial |
| PF - Public Facility |
Official Plan Maps (5)
RCP Plan Designation (6)
| F - Forest |
| A - Agricultural |
| ML - Marginal |
| C - Commercial |
| CFU - Community Flex Use |
| I - Industrial |
| R - Residential |
| NRES - Non Resource |
| P - Parks |
| AIR - Airport |
| NR:CA - Natural Resource Conservation Area |
| E - Estuary |
| DR - Destination Resort |
| NR:M - Natural Resource : Mineral |
| PF - Public Facility |
| NR:W - Natural Resource : Wildlife |
UGB Site Review (8)
Urbanizing Zone (9)
UGB Zoning (10)
| FM - Forest Management District |
| FF20 - Farm-Forestry District (20 acre minimum) |
| F1 - Important Forest Land District |
| F2 - Forest Land District |
| EFU - Exclusive Farm Use District |
| AGT - Agriculture, Grazing, Timber Raising District |
| AGT5 - Agriculture, Grazing, Timber Raising District (5 acre minimum) |
| GR10 - General Rural District |
| CA - Rural Commercial District |
| CT - Tourist Commercial District |
| C1 - Limited Commercial District |
| C2 - Neighborhood Commercial District |
| C3 - Commercial District |
| M1 - Limited Industrial District |
| M2 - Light Industrial District |
| M3 - Heavy Industrial District |
| RA/MH - Suburban Residential / Mobile Home District |
| RA - Suburban Residential District |
| RR - Rural Residential District |
| R1 - Single Family Residential District |
| RR1 - Rural Residential District - 1 acre minimum |
| RR2 - Rural Residential District - 2 acre minimum |
| RR5 - Rural Residential District - 5 acre minimum |
| RR10 - Rural Residential District - 10 acre minimum |
| AV - Airport Vicinity District |
| AO - Airport Operations District |
| NR - Natural Resource District |
| PR - Public Reserve District |
Metro Plan Designations (11)
| L, Low Density Residential |
| M, Medium Density Residential |
| U, Medium Density Res. Mixed |
| H, High Density Residential |
| S, High Density Res. Mixed Use |
| ND, Nodal Development |
| C, Commercial |
| D, Commercial Mixed Use |
| K, Major Retail Center |
| MU, Mixed Use |
| Z, Heavy Industrial |
| Y, Special Heavy Industrial |
| I, Light Medium Industrial |
| W, Light Med. Ind. Mixed Use |
| O, Campus Industrial |
| V, University Research |
| E, X, Government & Education |
| P, Parks and Open Space |
| B, Parks/Open Space Mixed Use |
| N, Natural Resource |
| G, Sand and Gravel |
| A, Agriculture |
| F, Forest Land |
| R, Rural Residential |
| Q, Rural Commercial |
| J, Rural Industrial |
| T, Airport Reserve |
Cottage Grove Zoning (14)
| C2 - Central Business |
| C2P - Community Commercial |
| CT - Commercial Tourist |
| CT/L - Limited Commercial Tourist |
| M1 - Light Industrial |
| M2 - Heavy Industrial |
| MHP - Mobile Home Park |
| PR - Parks & Recreation |
| R1 - Single-Family Residential |
| R2 - Medium Density Multiple Family Residential |
| R3 - High Density Multiple Family Residential |
| RC - Residential-Commercial |
| R - Restricted Residential |
Cottage Grove Comp Plan (15)
| B - Central Business District |
| C - Community Commercial |
| I - Controlled Industrial |
| L - General Residential |
| M - Medium Density Residential |
| H - High Density Residential |
| P - Regional & Community Park |
| PR - Parks & Recreation |
| RC - Residential Commercial |
| T - Tourist Commercial |
| Q - Other, Public and Semi-Public |
Flood Hazard Subzone (18)
Airport Noise Impact Area (19)
Resort Commercial Subzone (20)
Creswell Zoning (21)
| RL, Low-Density Residential |
| RM, Medium-Density Residential |
| RH, High-Density Residential |
| GC, General Commercial |
| DC, Downtown Commercial |
| GI, General Industrial |
| PRO-S, Park Rec, Open Space |
| X, Public Facility/Government |
Open Space/Greenway (23)
Veneta Zoning (22)
| BC, Broadway Commercial |
| CC, Community Commercial |
| GR, General Residential |
| HC, Highway Commercial |
| IC, Industrial-Commercial |
| LDR, Low Density Residential |
| MI, Medium Industrial |
| PFP, Public Facilities and Parks |
| RC, Residential-Commercial |
| RR, Rural Residential |