Display Name: Append
Description: Appends to, or optionally updates, an existing target dataset with multiple input datasets. Input datasets can be feature classes, tables, shapefiles, rasters, or annotation or dimension feature classes.
Help URL: https://lcmaps.lanecounty.org/arcgis/rest/directories/arcgisoutput/test/Appendtool_Test_GPServer/test_Appendtool_Test/Append.htm
Execution Type: esriExecutionTypeAsynchronous
Parameter: inputs
Data Type: GPMultiValue:GPString
Display Name Input Datasets
Description: The input datasets containing the data to be appended to the target dataset. Input datasets can be point, line, or polygon feature classes, tables, rasters, annotation feature classes, or dimensions feature classes.Tables and feature classes can be combined. If a feature class is appended to a table, attributes will be transferred; however, the features will be dropped. If a table is appended to a feature class, the rows from the input table will have null geometry.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value: [
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeRequired
Choice List: [ AppendTool_JunctionCopy, CV_Demo ]
Parameter Infos:
Name: String
Data Type: GPString
Display Name: String
Parameter: target
Data Type: GPString
Display Name Target Dataset
Description: The existing dataset where the data of the input datasets will be appended.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value: CV_Demo
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeRequired
Choice List: [ AppendTool_JunctionCopy, CV_Demo ]
Parameter: schema_type
Data Type: GPString
Display Name Field Matching Type
Description: Specifies whether the fields of the input dataset must match the fields of the target dataset for data to be appended.Input fields must match target fields—Fields from the input dataset must match the fields of the target dataset. An error will be returned if the fields do not match.Use the field map to reconcile field differences—Fields from the input dataset do not need to match the fields of the target dataset. Fields from the input datasets that do not match the fields of the target dataset will not be mapped to the target dataset unless the mapping is explicitly set in the Field Map parameter.Skip and warn if schema does not match—Fields from the input dataset must match the fields of the target dataset. If any of the input datasets contain fields that do not match the target dataset, that input dataset will be omitted with a warning message.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value: NO_TEST
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeOptional
Parameter: field_mapping
Data Type: GPString
Display Name Field Map
Description: Controls how the attribute fields from the input datasets will be transferred or mapped to the target dataset.This parameter can only be used if the Field Matching Type parameter is set to Use the field map to reconcile field differences.Because the input datasets are appended to an existing target dataset that has predefined fields, you cannot add, remove, or change the type of the fields in the field map. You can set merge rules for each output field.Merge rules allow you to specify how values from two or more input fields will be merged or combined into a single output value. The following merge rules can be used to determine how the output field will be populated with values:First—Use the input fields' first value.Last—Use the input fields' last value.Join—Concatenate (join) the input field values.Sum—Calculate the total of the input field values.Mean—Calculate the mean (average) of the input field values.Median—Calculate the median (middle) of the input field values.Mode—Use the value with the highest frequency.Min—Use the minimum value of all the input field values.Max—Use the maximum value of all the input field values.Standard deviation—Use the standard deviation classification method on all the input field values.Count—Find the number of records included in the calculation.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Dependency: inputs
Default Value: ROADNM "ROAD NAME" true true false 512 Text 0 0,First,#,G:\Caitlin\storagebin.gdb\SW\AppendTool_JunctionCopy,ROADNM,0,512;JLCPWID "JNumber" true true false 10 Text 0 0,First,#,G:\Caitlin\storagebin.gdb\SW\AppendTool_JunctionCopy,JLCPWID,0,10;COEStructureNo "COEStructureNo" true true false 4 Long 0 0,First,#,G:\Caitlin\storagebin.gdb\SW\AppendTool_JunctionCopy,COEStructureNo,-1,-1;UICNo "UICNumber" true true false 255 Text 0 0,First,#,G:\Caitlin\storagebin.gdb\SW\AppendTool_JunctionCopy,UICNo,0,255;QAQCSTAT "QAQCStat" true true false 255 Text 0 0,First,#,G:\Caitlin\storagebin.gdb\SW\AppendTool_JunctionCopy,QAQCSTAT,0,255;QAQC_Issue "QAQC_Issue" true true false 255 Text 0 0,First,#,G:\Caitlin\storagebin.gdb\SW\AppendTool_JunctionCopy,QAQC_Issue,0,255;PosDup "PosDup" true true false 255 Text 0 0,First,#,G:\Caitlin\storagebin.gdb\SW\AppendTool_JunctionCopy,PosDup,0,255;TYPE "TYPE" true true false 100 Text 0 0,First,#,G:\Caitlin\storagebin.gdb\SW\AppendTool_JunctionCopy,TYPE,0,100;SUBTYPE "SUBTYPE" true true false 100 Text 0 0,First,#,G:\Caitlin\storagebin.gdb\SW\AppendTool_JunctionCopy,SUBTYPE,0,100;COETYPE "COEType" true true false 255 Text 0 0,First,#,G:\Caitlin\storagebin.gdb\SW\AppendTool_JunctionCopy,COETYPE,0,255;MSInspectDate "MSInspectDate" true true false 8 Date 0 0,First,#,G:\Caitlin\storagebin.gdb\SW\AppendTool_JunctionCopy,MSInspectDate,-1,-1;LastCleanDate "LastCleanDate" true true false 8 Date 0 0,First,#,G:\Caitlin\storagebin.gdb\SW\AppendTool_JunctionCopy,LastCleanDate,-1,-1;JDICTION "JURISDICTION" true true false 50 Text 0 0,First,#,G:\Caitlin\storagebin.gdb\SW\AppendTool_JunctionCopy,JDICTION,0,50;DEPT "DEPARTMENT" true true false 50 Text 0 0,First,#,G:\Caitlin\storagebin.gdb\SW\AppendTool_JunctionCopy,DEPT,0,50;OPMAINT "OPERATIONAL MAINTENANCE" true true false 50 Text 0 0,First,#,G:\Caitlin\storagebin.gdb\SW\AppendTool_JunctionCopy,OPMAINT,0,50;QAQC_Issue1 "QAQC_Issue1" true true false 255 Text 0 0,First,#,G:\Caitlin\storagebin.gdb\SW\AppendTool_JunctionCopy,QAQC_Issue1,0,255;NOTES "NOTES" true true false 1024 Text 0 0,First,#,G:\Caitlin\storagebin.gdb\SW\AppendTool_JunctionCopy,NOTES,0,1024;QAQCFieldNotes "QAQCFieldNotes" true true false 255 Text 0 0,First,#,G:\Caitlin\storagebin.gdb\SW\AppendTool_JunctionCopy,QAQCFieldNotes,0,255;InvRemark "InvRemark" true true false 255 Text 0 0,First,#,G:\Caitlin\storagebin.gdb\SW\AppendTool_JunctionCopy,InvRemark,0,255;InvConflict "InvConflict" true true false 255 Text 0 0,First,#,G:\Caitlin\storagebin.gdb\SW\AppendTool_JunctionCopy,InvConflict,0,255;SUMP "SUMP" true true false 10 Text 0 0,First,#,G:\Caitlin\storagebin.gdb\SW\AppendTool_JunctionCopy,SUMP,0,10;GlobalID "GlobalID" false false true 38 GlobalID 0 0,First,#,G:\Caitlin\storagebin.gdb\SW\AppendTool_JunctionCopy,GlobalID,-1,-1
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeOptional
Parameter: subtype
Data Type: GPString
Display Name Subtype
Description: The subtype description that will be assigned to all new data that is appended to the target dataset.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeOptional
Parameter: output
Data Type: GPFeatureRecordSetLayer
Display Name Updated Target Dataset
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionOutput
Default Value:
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPoint
HasZ: false
HasM: false
Spatial Reference: 2914
type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: ROAD NAME, length: 512
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: JNumber, length: 10
type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: COEStructureNo
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: UICNumber, length: 255
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: QAQCStat, length: 255
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: QAQC_Issue, length: 255
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: PosDup, length: 255
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: TYPE, length: 100
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SUBTYPE, length: 100
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: COEType, length: 255
type: esriFieldTypeDate, alias: MSInspectDate, length: 8
type: esriFieldTypeDate, alias: LastCleanDate, length: 8
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: JURISDICTION, length: 50
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: DEPARTMENT, length: 50
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: OPERATIONAL MAINTENANCE, length: 50
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: QAQC_Issue1, length: 255
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: NOTES, length: 1024
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: QAQCFieldNotes, length: 255
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: InvRemark, length: 255
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: InvConflict, length: 255
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SUMP, length: 10
type: esriFieldTypeGlobalID, alias: GlobalID, length: 38
Features: None.
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeDerived
Parameter: expression
Data Type: GPString
Display Name Expression
Description: The SQL expression that will be used to select a subset of the input datasets' records. If multiple input datasets are specified, they will all be evaluated using the expression. If no records match the expression for an input dataset, no records from that dataset will be appended to the target.For more information about SQL syntax, see SQL reference for query expressions used in ArcGIS.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Dependency: inputs
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeOptional
Parameter: match_fields
Data Type: GPValueTable
Display Name Matching Fields for Update
Description: The fields from the input dataset that will be used to match to the target dataset. If the values of these fields match, records from the input dataset will update the corresponding records of the target dataset.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Dependency: target
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeOptional
Category: Update Options
Parameter Infos:
Name: Target Fields
Data Type: GPString
Display Name: Target Fields
Choice List: [ OBJECTID, COEStructureNo, QAQC_Issue, PosDup, TYPE, SUBTYPE, MSInspectDate, LastCleanDate, QAQC_Issue1, NOTES, QAQCFieldNotes, InvRemark, InvConflict, SUMP, GlobalID ]
Name: Input Fields
Data Type: GPString
Display Name: Input Fields
Choice List: [ OBJECTID, COEStructureNo, QAQC_Issue, PosDup, TYPE, SUBTYPE, MSInspectDate, LastCleanDate, QAQC_Issue1, NOTES, QAQCFieldNotes, InvRemark, InvConflict, SUMP, GlobalID ]
Parameter: update_geometry
Data Type: GPBoolean
Display Name Update Geometry
Description: Specifies whether geometry in the target dataset will be updated with geometry from the input dataset if the Matching Fields for Update parameter field values match.Checked—Geometry in the target dataset will be updated if the Matching Fields for Update parameter field values match.Unchecked—Geometry will not be updated. This is the default.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value: false
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeOptional
Category: Update Options
Parameter: esri_out_feature_service_name
Data Type: GPString
Display Name Output Feature Service Name
Description: The name of the optional feature service to create on the federated server containing the result of this tool. If no name is specified an output feature service will not be created.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeOptional
Supported Operations:
Submit Job
Child Resources: